Thursday, February 26, 2009

Street Fighter 4!

At last i finally got to plsy SF4! After a long wait i was finally able to put my skills to the
test. Chester and Michael never stood a chance, maybe i should have went easy on them?
Oh well at least we did a tutorial session on how to do a hadouken with chester and he's getting better at it. Good Job Chester! Well other than that me and my love took these hype pills that made me feel like shit though. I thought it would make me feel good except i felt as if i was going to collapse at any second. Funny though because i actually was able to explain the carburetor while i was on one. What a shocker.
Other than that today was chill with the Love.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Shout Out!

Today is just whatever. GF at the moment going crazy off of something and me getting caught up in it, how to share a perfect day today right?